January 2009 Hi Everyone
Well it looks like I missed my deadline for the December 2008 issue, and I do apologize for that. These newsletters involve quite a bit more time and work than I anticipated. I am focusing on quality content over how many and how fast I can produce them.
In December I spent most of the month rewriting my website, so you may want to check that out as well. There is lots of new information on there now.
Sincerely, John Fornaro
Hanover Koi Farms 1332 Moulstown Rd. N. Hanover, PA 17331 717-637-1111
I Need Your Help
While I normally do not do things like this, I would like to take some time here to ask for the help of my loyal patrons as I feel this is a very important issue. The building in this photo is a very small rural church that is near the farm, and is in desperate need of financial aid. While it is winter, and even though I am broke financially (as usual) I have donated all I can in the way of monetary donations to this worthwhile cause.
As stated, this is a very small one-room community church in the country. While I was raised Catholic, and this church is Lutheran, I still attend the services there. The primary reason is that the doors are open to all denominations, and the congregation there truly welcomes all with open arms and hearts. They have a youth group as well that truly helps the young folks in the community, and as we all know, kids today need all the guidance they can get.
This church and its pastor have been of great spiritual guidance to me, and all that do know me know that I need that. BR> If at all possible I would like to ask everyone to help them with monetary donations. Of course, you would all receive receipts as these donations are totally tax deductible. Even if you are not a religious person, so to speak, I am sure you can see the value of this small yet valuable community church and all of its associated programs.
To help encourage your participation, I will offer you one FREE 4"-6" Select-grade Koi or Butterfly Koi if you bring your receipt of any financial donation to the church of $25.00 or more. So be sure to request a receipt from them, but I am sure they give one automatically anyway.
Please send all donations to: Mt. Carmel Lutheran Church 1398 Moulstown Rd., N. Hanover, PA 17331 (phone) 717-632-2688
KHV Koi Herpes Virus is Bad News!
For those of you that don't already know, this virus in sweeping through the Koi world both nationally and especially internationally. If your fish are ever exposed to this virus, it pretty much means the death of your pets either by way of the virus itself, or by way of having to put them down yourself. Gill necrosis from KHV. It has always been an important factor where you purchase your fish, but today it is even more important. There are many farms and dealers out there that do not have the proper quarantine and biosecurity measures in place, and this has caused the rampant spreading of this virus. How bad is it? Well it is so bad that here at Hanover Koi Farms we have closed the doors to any imported fish whatsoever, be it foreign or domestic. Even though we are totally set up biosecurity-wise for bringing in fish from outside sources, we will no longer do it. We have one of the most biosecure farms on the planet, as well as extremely good quarantine protocols, but to further protect my farm from the virus, we have closed the doors to any fish from outside sources. For the most part we never did this anyway, except for purchasing new broodstock.
To get further details and information on the virus, you can click the link below. We have a new feature on the website that is a narrated Powerpoint presentation that you can simply watch and listen to. No need for any long-winded written article with this new concept. As this is a new concept on the website, there are still some glitches, so be sure to read the instructions listed there as well. I hope you enjoy it. Currently there are two parts of a five-part series all about KHV, so be sure to look for the remaining parts in the very near future.
KHV Powerpoint Presentations | |
Monthly Contest Question |
Each monthly newsletter will have a question or questions that if answered correctly will make you eligible to win valuable prizes.
The specific answers to every question for this contest should be found somewhere on my website. These are the only answers I will accept as correct.
Last month's winner:
The winner for the November newsletter question was Dave Evans, and the correct answer for that question was 82 degrees. Good job, Dave!
This issue's question is:
Name one of the three scientific journals involved with fish disease research that I discuss in my website. These journals in the fish world are the equivalent to "The New England Journal of Medicine" in the world of human medical research, and are where all the latest research findings are officially published.
The names of everyone that answers this question correctly will be put into a hat and one winner will be chosen. This month's winner will win a $25.00 Gift Certificate redeemable only at Hanover Koi Farms after April 1, 2009. It is redeemable for fish only, and not products. All answers must be submitted by January 31, 2009 to be eligible for the drawing.
Please e-mail all answers to: [email protected]
Potassium Permanganate Great Stuff but....
Potassium Permanganate (PP) is one of my treatments of choice for treating protozoan parasites as well as certain bacterial pathogens. However, if used improperly, it can easily kill your fish.
I have always been hesitant in suggesting this treatment to the average hobbyist due to its risks, but I think I can now safely recommend a protocol for the average person.
PP can also be used to help clean the pond of excess organics and aid in making the water crystal clear. However, let me state emphatically that this should not be used in lieu of proper filtration.
Another plus with this treatment is the fact that it is relatively cheap as compared to many other treatments we utilize. It is usually dosed by weight in grams, so a decent gram scale is a must. Today, there are some very reliable yet reasonably priced electronic scales available from such places as Aquatic Eco Systems.
If you are just getting into the hobby, I would not suggest you attempt using this treatment. However, once you have mastered the basics of maintaining proper water quality and filtration you could most likely feel comfortable enough to use it when the need arises. To read about detailed treatment protocols, click the link below:
Koi Treatments